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Review of Significant 2011 Events for the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act

This was a significant year for the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act and for qui tam litigation in Virginia, so as the year winds down it only seems fitting to review some of the key developments. 

But you don’t have to take my word for it.  Back in July Gibson Dunn published its 2011 Mid-Year False Claims Act Update2011 Mid-Year False Claims Act Update which is well worth a read.  

In addition to an exhaustive treatment of false claims act legislative activity from each state, the Gibson Dunn talks about the 2011 amendments to our Virginia state false claims act.  Additional coverage is given the Attorney General Cuccinelli’s intervention in the Bank of New York Mellon case earlier this year.    

On a side note, I read various update-style newsletters from firms big and small across the country.  The information published by Gibson Dunn is always top-notch, which is *not* something I can say for all of the law firm publications I receive…. 

More to follow in this year end-review.