K&G Law Group included in the 2019 Edition of Best Lawyers in America
K&G Law Group included in the 2019 Edition of Best Lawyers in America I am pleased to announce my inclusion in the 2019 edition of Best Lawyers in America. It is always an honor to be included […]
Announcing the ten year anniversary of the first blog on the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act and qui tam litigation in Virginia — and announcing the launch of a new web page WWW.FREEWHISTLEBLOWERBOOK.COM I am […]

Attorney’s Fee Awards in Virginia State Courts
Attorney’s Fee Awards in Virginia State Courts As regular readers know, in addition to handling fee-shifting cases of my own, I am often asked to serve as an expert witness in litigation over reasonable […]

HUBzone certifications and federal false claims act violations
Today we will take a look at HUBzone certifications and federal false claims act violations — that is to say, fraud and false claims against the Historically Underutilized Business Zones Empowerment Contracting Program, […]

Virginia whistleblower retaliation bill has little or nothing to do with the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act
Virginia whistleblower retaliation bill has little or nothing to do with the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act As some readers know, I have been in Richmond several times in recent weeks for sessions of the […]
West Virginia considers a state False Claims Act
West Virginia False Claims Act Advances in the 2014 Legislative Session As regular readers know, tracking state false claims act legislation is one of the most important things we do here at vaquitamlaw.com. The power […]
After Six Years of Blogging About Qui Tam I Won’t Start Doing Apology Posts Now…
The apology post is a time-honored tradition in the world of blogging, but its one tradition I won’t be adopting … The apology post usually goes something like this: “Gee, I am sorry to disappoint […]
Business owners can level the playing field with a qui tam action
For today’s post — which is part one of a series — readers can pick their own title: Business owners can level the playing field with a qui tam action or, if you […]
Why qui tam provisions of the VFATA and the FCA are vital and the role by played by relator’s private counsel in federal FCA and VFATA enforcement
Why qui tam provisions of the VFATA and the FCA are vital and the role by played by relator’s private counsel in federal FCA and VFATA enforcement As regular readers know, the Virginia Fraud […]
Virginia’s surplus is due in part to the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act
What was that I was saying recently about Virginia’s qui tam settlements funding government services across the Commonwealth? Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell announced this week that Virginia has a budget-surplus for FY 2013 in […]