False Claims Act Practice in Virginia

Can You Still Believe That Some States Don’t Have a State False Claims Act?

The Nevada News Bureau did an excellent piece today on the

Can Violations of the Davis-Bacon Act Trigger Liability Under the False Claims Act?

Today’s post is about the Davis-Bacon Act and whether the failure to pay Davis-Bacon wages triggers liability under the federal False Claims Act.  This is in response to a conversation I had recently with a fellow Virginia lawyer who asked […]

Review of the 2011 Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund Conference & Awards Dinner

Last week was the Eleventh Annual Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund and it was, as usual, quite an 25 Years of the Modern False Claims Act.It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the changes that occurred 25 years ago in […]

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli Dedicates Resources to the Fight Against Fraud

At long last, the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act is starting to get some media attention…Jim Nolan over the at Richmond Times Dispatch put together an excellent article this week about the Attorney General’s efforts to fight fraud.  Stay tuned folks, […]

A Look at the Marine Habitat and Waterways Improvement Fund and the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act

One loyal reader recently pointed out that this blog might have unintentionally drifted from one of its stated goals–namely, to give practice examples of the myriad situations in which Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act might be useful. Today’s example concerns […]

News This Week: New York State Applies a New Model to False Claims Act Enforcement

This week WSJ reporter Carrick Mollenkamp authored a first-rate piece on New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and his leadership in state false claims act prosecutions.  In particular, Schneiderman appears to be leading the pack of state Attorney Generals investigating and/or […]

The Federal Government Gets Serious About Collecting Overpayments

Regular readers will recall past blog posts about government overpayments.  This week more attention was focused on this topic with the introduction of the 2011 Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act (S.1409).    As incredible as it may seem to the uninitiated, […]

Commonsense Steps State and Local Governments Can Take to Fight Fraud and Strengthen False Claims Act Enforcement, Part II—Funding a State Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit

In an earlier post, I discussed a few basic common sense things that state and local governments can do to cut down on fraud.  Among those suggestions was to have a state false claims act, and then to make sure that […]

Maybe next year Super Lawyers will have a category for Qui Tam…

After more than three years of doing this blog, I just spotted a trend — I tend to blog less in June and July of each year.  It just seems like there are less things to blog about during the […]

Court Ordered Attorney’s Fees under the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act and the federal False Claims Act

    SCOTUS has issued two new opinions concerning court-awarded attorney’s fees in the last year or so, and since the new