Virginia Achieves A-minus Rating for Good Government
The Commonwealth of Virginia has never used the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act to hold construction companies accountable when they mismanage funds or fail to deliver promised results. The Federal False Claims Act has been used to hold contractors liable for failing to deliver as promised.
Qui Tam Resource Tip: the Project on Government Oversight
The Project on Government Oversight maintains an excellent on-line database at which lists companies responsible for misconduct on federal contracts. Some might find it incredible that the feds do not maintain a centralized federal database of contractor misconduct; the POGO database […]
Practice Examples: Fairfax County Budget Woes and the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act
The Herndon-Monroe Park-and-ride garage in Fairfax County, Virgnia, is just one example of the type of fraud, waste, and abuse that should be pursued using the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act, otherwise known as the Virginia False Claims Act.
The Blog of Legal Times on argument in Allison Engine Company v. United States ex rel Thacker
The Blog of the Legal Times has an excellent post on today’s arguments before the United States Supreme Court in the pivotal case of Allison Engine Company v. United States ex rel Thacker. The article […]