State False Claims Act News

Is UVa Allowing a Political Bias to Inhibit Cooperation with the Virginia Attorney General?

First, let me say that this is not a political blog.  This is a blog dealing with the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act and with litigation under the Federal False Claims Act in Virginia Courts.  Let me also say that […]

Truly, there is nothing new under the sun….including the reasons UVa seeks to quash the Civil Investigative Demand issued by Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli

Lest anyone think that the debate about Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s quash and/or set aside the CIDs in the Circuit Court for the County of Albemarle, Virginia.  This is shaping up to be an interesting fight, because this is the very first […]

Senator Grassley Sends a Warning to State Legislatures Across the Country

As more states struggle to pass state-level false claims act legislation, I have mentioned recently that PhRMA and other health care lobbyists seem to have switched their tactics.  Simply put, as more and more states come on board and reap […]

New Opinion on Reasonable Attorney’s Fees in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia

Today Judge Cacheris issued a favorable opinion on my petition for attorney’s fees in a Fair Labor Standards Act case.   Although the case was an FLSA case and not a False Claims Act case, the same concepts apply to any prevailing plaintiff in […]

Govenor O’Malley Signs The Maryland False Claims Act Into Law!

Today Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signed the Maryland False Health Claims Act into law, bringing to a close one of the most heated legislative battles over a state false claims act in recent memory.

The travails of Colorado, and perhaps an interesting new change in strategy from the enemies of fiscal responsibility…..

Breaking news from the front lines in Colorado has that state’s proposed false claims act  (I believe it is SB 187) being amended to include the following language:    WHEN A RELATOR BRINGS AN ACTION UNDER THIS SUBSECTION  (2), THE […]

The Maryland False Health Claims Act of 2010 is Amended and Sent to the House of Delegates

Today the Baltimore Business Journal carried an article on the amended Maryland False Health Claims Act of 2010.  While the amended bill will not pass muster under the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (and in the process earn Maryland an additional […]

The Maryland House of Delegates hears testimony on the Maryland False Health Claims Act of 2010

Today the Maryland House of Delegates heard testimony on the Maryland False Health Claims Act of 2010.  WBAL’s Channel 11 News covered the story, including a quote from yours truly.  The House Committee heard the testimony of three panels who supported the […]

Connecticut becomes the 26th state to pass a state False Claims Act

Connecticut becomes the 26th state to pass a state False Claims Act.  My apologies for missing this, but in December of 2009 Connecticut became the twenty-sixth state to pass a state false claims act.  The Connecticut statute–which contains a qui […]

March 2, 1863: On This Day in History…

On March 2, 1863 the 37th Congress passed the federal False Claims Act, making today the 147th birthday of the statute.  And just think–after all that history, the best is yet to come!