False Claims Act Practice in Virginia

Congressional Oversight of Agencies Now on Display — But Who Has Oversight of State Agencies?

In a recent post, I discussed a study done by the Center for Public Integrity  which found State Government agencies at a high risk for fraud, waste, and abuse.  One of the major reasons for such corruption at the state level […]

And Here It Is: The 2012 Legislative Wrap Up for State False Claims Act Legislation

Now that we have reached mid-April, I think it is time for a legislative review of the state-level false claims action.  The 2012 legislative session saw a renewal of the battles in Ohio, Kentucky, and Washington, together with the introduction of […]

Study by the Center for Public Integrity Finds State Governments at Risk for Corruption…Surprise Surprise

Study by the Center for Public Integrity Finds State Governments at Risk for Corruption An excellent study just released by the Center for Public Integrity finds state governments to be at risk for corruption — you can check out a […]

K&G Law Group Announces the Fourth Anniversary of Virginia Qui Tam Law.com

Four years ago this month I started blogging here at Virginia Qui Tam Law.com — I’ll resist the urge to say something hackneyed and sentimental about the last four years, or maybe I will reserve that right for the end of […]

Virginia Qui Tam Law.com Author Zachary Kitts Launches K&G Law Group, PLLC

Virginia Qui Tam Law.com Author Zachary Kitts Launches K&G Law Group, PLLC. I am pleased to announce that as of February 1, 2012 I formed a new firm known as K&G Law Group, PLLC.I am joined in the new firm by Justin […]

The Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund Publishes a New Model State False Claims Act for 2012

The Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund Publishes a New Model State False Claims Act for 2012. As state legislatures across the country begin their 2012 sessions they will without exception will be looking to stretch their tight budgets.  This usually spurs a great […]

Qui Tam Litigation and the Federal False Claims Act Become an Issue in the Presidential Primary

Interesting to note that qui tam litigation and the federal False Claims Act became an issue in the Republican presidential primary recently.  Newt Gingrich’s mention of FCA enforcement is actually just one of several recent mentions by office-seekers and office-holders in […]

Pat Burns from Taxpayers Against Fraud Predicts $9 billion in 2012

Pat Burns from Taxpayers Against Fraud predicts $9 billion in 2012. Although a record $3 billion was recovered in 2011 using the false claims act, it appears that many people in-the-know are predicting an even bigger 2012…three times bigger to be exact. Taxpayers […]

The Year 2011 Review: A New Record False Claims Act Recoveries

Earlier this week, the United States Department of Justice announced that slightly more than $3 billion was recovered in 2011 using the federal False Claims Act — this amount represents a new record for False Claims Act recoveries in a single year.  […]

There is no new thing under the Sun … especially fraud, waste and abuse in government spending (and the need for the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act and federal False Claims Act)

Anyone who has ever googled the words “qui tam” or “federal False Claims Act” has certainly found the basic history of these concepts.  In a nutshell, the history can be stated as follows:  fraud on government coffers was rampant during […]